Between Ignorance and Malfeasance
With the tyrannical vaccine mandates kicking into high gear, many people are rightly focusing on the risk to individuals from taking these novel gene therapy treatments with no long-term safety data, and the right of individuals to decide for themselves whether to take that risk. That's a very important part of the argument against vaccine mandates. But the picture coming more into focus each day is that the vaccines are harmful on a societal scale. They are not acting simply on the human subjects of this worldwide experiment but on the virus itself.
The rise of COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in correlation with vaccine uptake is an undeniable fact, as countries and localities with very high rates of vaccine adoption are almost universally experiencing a resurgence of COVID at close to (if not exceeding) record levels, and the virus is in many places breaking out of its usual seasonal pattern. This is likely explained by what is increasingly evident from clinical studies and observations, that the vaccines result in increased viral load while suppressing symptoms, thereby producing asymptomatic human spread vectors that previously did not exist (despite the claims of public health authorities to the contrary, which were refuted by the entire history of epidemiological science and every single COVID study that addressed the question).
There is also growing evidence that these leaky vaccines are actually doing what leaky vaccines are known to do, i.e. select for hotter and more deadly strains of the virus they are supposedly targeting. We have never before in the history of the world attempted to inject the entire population with a leaky vaccine in the midst of a pandemic. We will see the results of that experiment eventually. Unfortunately, the narrative has been prepared since early Summer 2021 to blame the effect of the inevitable vaccine failure on those who did not take the vaccine. If you've seen the video of the Australian military/police gratuitously head-stomping a handcuffed prone citizen who refused to comply with their safety protocol, and many other videos illustrating similar behavior, you understand the devastating effect that the "othering" of vaccine resistors may eventually have even here in the US if the narrative is not effectively challenged.
How long they can legitimate this false narrative in the eyes of the public remains to be seen. If not for the totalitarian control of the corporate and social media that the last 18 months revealed to be a fait-accompli, it would be 100% impossible. Unfortunately, we lost the ability to have a free exchange of ideas some time ago, so it's far from clear how far and how long this malfeasance will run.
We are long past the point where we can reasonably excuse the ubiquitous insistence that the COVID vaccines are in the same category as sterilizing vaccines such as those for Measles or Polio. We have a moral duty to open our eyes to the undeniable fact that the vaccines are not helping to end the pandemic and are probably prolonging and intensifying it. To retreat instead to the vapid, ignorant response of "we must all do our part to prevent the spread" is every bit as uncharitable and destructive as the position that the gas-lighting masses imagine the "vaccine-hesitant" to be taking.
But to shift our attention from the masses to the elites is to pass from ignorance to malfeasance. Many of the professional medical and public health officials advancing this false narrative must know that it's false. It runs counter to the settled tenets of epidemiology and virology, and data from every country in the vanguard of universal vaccine uptake demonstrate the danger. Similarly, they also must know that the suppression of prevention and early treatment protocols known to be safe and effective, the active disruption of medical services providing anything other than the deliberate malpractice that passes for the standard of care (i.e. treat the symptoms at home and go to the hospital when you can't breathe), and the aggressive efforts to disrupt and prevent the dispensing of medications needed to prevent hospitalization and death are harming and killing the people whose health they are responsible for and morally bound to protect.