You may have noticed a common underlying theme in much of the news over the past few years. If you feel that the experts and pundits are always telling you that things which you know do not exist are real, and that things which you know are real do not exist, then you probably know what I’m talking about.
It won’t surprise you to learn that there is a deliberate intent and a coordinated effort driving this thematic unity. In fact, a program that was started several thousand years ago is behind much of the messaging we’ve been subjected to, and a significant change to that program was recently announced. The following article from the Unaffiliated Press (UAP) may help you to better understand recent and not-so-recent events.
Babylon (UAP) — The Tower of Babel Program Management office announced a significant change in the approach to be used for the completion of that long-running project. After multiple millennia of huge cost overruns, repeated schedule slips, and a never-ending series of unintended consequences, project managers now believe that a reversal of the original implementation strategy may produce better results.
"It's really a simple change, but one that we believe has profound implications for the success of the project" reported Dr. I.M. Sure, the Babel Program Chief of Operations. "Rather than trying to reach the Heavens, we've decided to bring the Heavens down to Earth. We think that's a much more viable way to accomplish the objective we've had all along, which is to establish our own aseity—with all the implications for human sovereignty that entails. "
Dr. Sure went on to say that the project's goal of establishing human sovereignty is broadly conceived. "It's not just a matter of doing whatever we want to do", he explained, "though that's certainly an important part of our objective. Human sovereignty goes much deeper than that. Freedom of conceptualization is far more important than freedom of behavior and is actually antecedent to it. What we're after in the long run is the ability to decide what exists, and along with that, the ability to assign meaning to our conceptual creations on our own terms."
When asked to comment on the meaning of the strategy shift announced by Dr. Sure, the Babel Public Affairs office explained that the tower-to-Heaven paradigm, while a pre-modern concept, was readily adapted to modern sensibilities because of the mutual affinity in those two worldviews for the heroic image of man against the gods. But postmodern society understands the offensive implications of a tower reaching toward The Heavens. "The objective asserted in that narrative—an ontologically higher order of existence—was frankly embarrassing" explained Ms. Ima Right from the Public Affairs Office. "And the idea of us defining our highest achievements in terms of reaching for something beyond the present order as we've defined it—and not on our own terms but in terms of something outside our own thinking... well, we know better today, don't we?" she said with a patient smile.
"It's not that we don't believe in Heaven anymore—goodness no" she replied when asked if the paradigm shift was really an abandonment of the original project. "It's just that now we all know that it makes far more sense to have Heaven conform to life here as we choose to envision it, rather than continue to give credence to these silly assertions about transcendent meaning and teleology which the pre-moderns loved to make, and which the moderns were too unimaginative to properly answer."
The details of the new approach are still being worked out, but the Babel Program Office is confident that the practical effects of the shift in strategy will soon be readily apparent. One of the project leaders on the ground captured the renewed excitement and optimism sweeping through the ranks of project workers. "It's just great to be part of something so vital", said Don B. Sonarrow, a bright-eyed, burly crew chief. "I mean, getting rid of God really hasn't helped anyone at all, because we still have reality, you know. And I think a lot of people instinctually realize that one implies the other. So now that we understand that connection, we're finally ready to make some real progress."
Project planners could not say precisely when they expect to have reality entirely neutralized, but the feeling that they're moving toward that goal faster than ever before is palpable among all those working on the project. And also to many outside observers.
You have this correct Mark. They are trying to build a new Tower of Babel. Same old concept, just in the present age. Some men will never stop trying to get rid of God. It seems many of the people doing this in the modern age aren't even aware how their actions fit in and relate to Biblical scripture and the Word of God, because they've never learned the Word of God. Of course we know they will fail and God will reassert himself over men and the world.