The Story of Our Time
We live in a time when the most obvious things are often the things most hidden from view in the public mind. I guess familiarity breeds blindness as well as contempt, in which case this hiddenness is probably a general feature of every age. But we live in an age of mass communication. Everyone is talking about everything all the time. It can be difficult to discern overarching patterns in such an environment. More significantly, we all make assumptions; and assumptions by their very nature tend to remain unexamined. One of those unexamined assumptions may be that other people in the conversation are participating in the conversation, just as we are. As opposed to engineering and manufacturing the conversation they’re pretending to be participating in. I mean, who does that?
Well, some people do, apparently. That apparently is a rhetorical twist intended to simulate an eye-roll. It’s not merely apparent, it’s obvious. What we’ve taken lately to calling The Narrative is not a new phenomenon, but it’s a phenomenon that has undergone some disturbing development. This came flooding into our collective consciousness at the beginning of that seminal year 2020, when The Narrative was reified. We encountered it then not merely as a story being told with words, or as an interpretive framework. It became a physical thing in the external world that took our jobs away, shamed us out of pursuing human contact, forbade the education of our children, canceled church meetings or forced them underground, forced us to cover our faces in public, and instituted coerced injections of an experimental gene therapy treatment that was mendaciously labeled a vaccine by literally changing the official definition of the word. That was some story, wasn’t it? They don’t make them like they used to.
Some people missed that this was a narrative, by which I mean a distorted telling of true events and real phenomena. It was distorted by design, to achieve a certain effect, not by random forces or inherent difficulties in perceiving and describing reality. That’s what makes it a narrative: teleology. Distortion by design, for a particular end. Some of the people who missed the fact that it was a narrative caught on when Narrative 2.0 was rolled out. It was rather obvious because the narrative switch was a desperation move. It was not something that those who control the conversation wanted to do, because it was a blatant flip-flop. But polling data showed that those who had been in charge would not be in charge for very long if they didn’t change direction drastically. In this constrained environment, the tell was multiform, and obvious enough.
A Story Revealed in its Untelling
Narrative 2.0 was essentially constructed from the counter-Narrative 1.0 arguments. Things Team Reality had been saying for 18-24 months—the telling of which had gotten them kicked off various social media platforms, positions doctors had lost their medical licenses for advocating, observations scientists had been professionally censored and ostracized for making, and facts regular people had been ridiculed for believing—all these things now became the official narrative.
This was done, for the most part, without even referencing the fact that these things were known since the very beginning of the pandemic, and in some cases were settled public health doctrine for decades. So there was certainly no mention of the fact that people had been punished for saying these things just a short time ago. Reporters beclowned themselves by pretending that overclocked PCR tests, risk profiles sharply stratified by age and comorbidity, and the virtual absence of asymptomatic spread were recent discoveries. The director of the CDC marveled at the “new” discovery that leaky vaccines wear off, while her agency suddenly “discovered” that hospitalizations and deaths, not cases, are the proper risk metric to track, and that for a majority of COVID hospitalizations and deaths, COVID was incidental and not causative.1
The narrative character was also seen in how the shift in the story was accomplished smoothly and gradually on a fixed trajectory. The State of the Union (SOTU) speech was inexplicably delayed to March 1. A definite pivot in the narrative occurred starting at the time the delay was announced. The pivot was reflected in virtually all media outlets and in pronouncements from the CDC and other public health agencies. It proceeded on a perfect glide slope and made a precision landing on the doorstep of the SOTU, right down to a massive change in COVID risk ranking that took the nation from 100% high-risk counties to 75% low or moderate-risk counties literally overnight, and the rescinding of the CDC’s indoor masking recommendation the day before the SOTU. The Speaker of the House joined in by removing the House of Representatives mask mandate just in time for the speech.
While government and media mouthpieces claimed that their mitigations had worked and the situation was very different now, the incontrovertible fact is that the data does not bear this up. The science didn’t change, the lies just stopped working.
The Familiar Pattern
The speed and nature of this change from Narrative 1.0 to Narrative 2.0 is a wonder to behold. But it was just the warmup for a Narrative change even more breathtaking. Literally overnight, the existential threat switched from COVID to World War III. Now in the same way that mask-wearing and vaccinating were previously presented as critical measures of public virtue and sacramental evidence of having the right morality, hatred of Putin and opposition to Russia have taken their place.
I have no objection to denouncing Putin as a thug, but the situation is far more complicated than the cartoon understanding that most of us have. Although NATO provoked and instigated this war, Putin had other options. But that’s not the point of this piece. The observation that strikes me is how narrative-driven our world is. How easily we move from one narrative to the next, just as we’re instructed by the elites. And there are more narratives in the queue, by the way. (It’s tragically interesting how the COVID and climate change narratives have been promulgated and enforced with identical tactics.) In a society that has almost completely lost the ability for critical thinking, the government and its corporate sponsors have free reign to define reality.
For our purposes, let’s just note that multiple things can be true at once:
Putin is a bad guy and the Russians are our adversaries.
The people of Ukraine are suffering horribly, and no one should have to suffer that way.
All governments will oppress and deceive to maximize their power and control, and the only safeguard against that is transparency and freedom of expression. (In other words, we're in big trouble right now.)
However, the manner in which the narrative was flipped should concern everyone. It should do more than concern us, it's a blaring fire alarm. Unfortunately, we've been trained to ignore it.
We can learn from the previous (COVID) narrative what the overall objectives of this and all such narratives are: Use fear and emergency declarations to cause people to trade freedom for safety.
The new narrative will leverage and extend structures and patterns established under the previous narrative. It's a Chess game, and unlike United States foreign policy wonks, the global cabal of governments and corporations, the international order that is rapidly replacing the familiar concept of adversarial nation-states as the principal power dynamic in the world, is thinking multiple moves ahead.
They are the Players and We are the Game
So… Take a step back and survey the chessboard.
Look at the vaccine passports that everyone rolled over and gladly accepted, even celebrated, because they make them feel so safe.
Look at the recent government statements about currency markets and how unsafe they are and how in order to keep us safe, we need to move to a digital currency. In the midst of writing this, government statements have progressed to a policy announcement.2
Look at what was done in Canada by the WEF-trained tyrants when some people peacefully dissented from government policies and exposed government lies. See what happened to the ability of people to spend their money as they saw fit. Note how it was not just governments taking away their money when they didn't agree with their spending decisions, but corporations, media, and a fear-whipped public participating in the pogrom.
Look at what's happening now to all things Russian, as a cabal of governments, corporations, and a fear-whipped, virtue-signaling public are enforcing their idea of acceptable behavior. Don't take any comfort in the fact that Putin is a bad guy and Russia is doing some bad things. They can do it to anyone they choose. Some Canadian truckers can give you more info on that if you need it.
Now ask yourself what those same WEF-trained people, who BTW have infiltrated virtually every single Western government, will do with a digital currency. Every single spending decision you make can be coerced, punished, controlled, etc, at the most granular level, down to the vendor and the product. That's what digital lets you do. This is still many moves away, but it's game-over for freedom if they get that in place. I don't see how we come back from that if we get there.
So keep all this in mind when you see the gathering narrative about how we need a government-directed digital currency to keep us safe from Russia and from terrorists, and from whatever boogeyman they think of in future months. And keep it in mind when the next variant, or our old friend the influenza virus, or maybe the Martian Death Flu—whatever they can come up with—comes along, and the same people who sold you the introductory model of government-corporate control to keep you safe show you the new and improved model they've been working on while you were busy working and producing the raw materials and services they've been scheming to own and control. And keep it in mind when Facebook or the Little Bird or Google or any of the other info-fascist platforms censor someone in the name of keeping you safe when someone says anything that does harm to the narrative approved by The Party.
Mind the Gap
The world is a big place. Some shrewd people have been working for quite some time on how to control it, and they seem to have a jump on those of us who thought we could just live our lives and take care of the people and the things before us. What can we do in the face of this reality? These are some ideas that occur to me on simple reflection on how we can stand in the gap. I’m sure we can add to the list, and there is much work to be done in building structures and formulating strategies for the preservation of freedom in the face of such a well-coordinated assault.
Stay informed. Do your own analysis. Don't trust anyone just because they said something, including me.
Support platforms like substack, gettr, gab, sovren, rumble, and many others, who don't censor content based on ideology.
Don't respond to the inculcation of fear. Ever. It's the main vector being used to transform us into an authoritarian society. It's very easy to identify who is trying to control you through fear. Someone deliberately trying to make you afraid should automatically be put on your "distrust until proven trustworthy" list.
Vote out of office any politician who wants to take away your freedom, no matter what party they belong to. Support politicians who are truly pro-freedom, no matter what party they belong to.
Seek the truth, speak the truth, know the truth, love the truth. This is its own reward, but it is also the way we preserve the freedom and prosperity that we've known and have come to take for granted.
Authoritarian forces have gathered and organized and schemed to own and control. This is the common pattern of history, apart from the respite we have known in the past few centuries.
Don't let the plutocrats, oligarchs, and autocrats revert the world to the feudal structure that governed it before liberal democracy produced a better way.
She also claimed that no one was talking about Original Antigenic Sin (OAS), when in fact this has been a serious concern and a reality with every single coronavirus vaccine. Papers were written from at least mid-2020 warning about the dire prospects of OAS and Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)—OAS’s evil cousin—being induced by the COVID vaccines. The CDC hand-waved the concerns by stating on their website, with no evidence, that experts considered the chances of OAS and ADE to be negligible. That negligible chance is close to 100% now with respect to OAS. It’s all but proven to be occurring, as the mRNA vaccines quickly devolve to having negative efficacy, and there is strong evidence that they interfere with the ability of vaccinees to develop natural immunity when exposed to SARS-CoV-2 after injection.
“The rise in digital assets creates an opportunity to reinforce American leadership in the global financial system and at the technological frontier, but also has substantial implications for consumer protection, financial stability, national security, and climate risk," the White House said in a statement. Do you see the narrative? It's about protection, stability, security, and management of risk. Nothing about control there, right? But that's exactly what it's about, and that will become more clear with every future step they take from here. It will follow the pattern of the controls that were used to “keep us safe” from the virus, when we went from "two weeks to flatten the curve" to "show me your papers" in a year and a half.
Great article Mark. I could not agree more. The PTB constantly present a false version of reality to the public in order to manipulate them and to serve their own interests. This is 100% what COVID has been about, and it is what the current geopolitical situation with Russia and China, and any soverign nation the globalists don't control, is about. For that matter it is what the false portrayal of Trump during his presidency was. They didn't own Trump so they just lied about him constantly in order to manipulate the way people felt about him. Same with every soverign country that they don't control. If the truth serves their agenda, they will tell the truth, so they can point to it later and say "see, I told the truth about X." If the truth doesn't serve their agenda, it's all outright lies, distortion, half-truths, and lying by omission.
Mark, you are a gifted writer. Lets do some NoVa group meetups!